Guest Art/Comic Call for 2019

December is going to be incredibly busy for me, and rather than stressing out to try and fill in those update weeks, I’d rather showcase some of your Fighting Dreamers guest comics and art to fill in the gap!
I’d prefer just enough art to fill in like 4 weeks of updates, minimum. So anything more than that would be great.
Just a few key things to remember for the comics/art
- Keep it Safe For Work , this is a PG series and most of the characters are minors anyway (if you want to draw Romantic Ship Art make it Sandy and Patches they’re over 18 in human years, Pickett and Clawdia have a minor thing going too after their respective husbands died)
- Basically if the stuff is PG and the characters are mostly in character I’m down for anything (unless the OOC stuff is intentional for the sake of the gag)
- For the comics, keep them short, 1-3 pages for that
- Keep the final size at 900px wide (height doesn’t matter as much)
- Save them as PNGs
- IT CAN BE FANFICS TOO like I’m not picky, like just a quick picture as a placeholder and I can link it in the description somewhere
Send me your finished works through my email at mannykat8x(at)gmail(.)com , or if we’re mutuals already you can DM me on Discord with the file. Just make sure to give me your preferred name/username, and something to promote with your comic and we’ll be good to go 😀
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